How To Renew Your Philippine Passport While Abroad?

Can I renew my Philippine Passport while I am in abroad? How long does it take to renew it? What are then the requirements? These are just some of the queries that a traveler may know about the actions to be taken. If you are one of them, focus your eyes on reading.

According to the new law signed by our dear president, the Philippine passport will now be valid for 10 years from its previous 5 years of validity. The Republic Act # 10928 that amends the Sec. 10 of RA no. 8239 or the Philippine Passport Act of 1966, states that those regular passports issued under this act shall be valid for a span of 10 years. However,  those passports which were also issued under the old law will only be valid for 5 years.

In addition, those carriers of passports below 18 years of age will be only issued valid for only 5 years and passport validity of less than 10 years may be issued whenever in the National economic interest or political stability of the country such restriction is necessary.

How about now those Filipino travelers who are in abroad especially OFWs who are about to expire their passports? Do they need to return in our country just to renew their passports? The answer is NO.

Once a Philippine Passport will expire and the holder is outside the country, they have a 1 year renewal period to process their passports. The best part then is that, even in their working place (outside the Philippines), they can now renew it.  What they just to submit are the documents to prove their identification and legality. It includes the following:

  •  the latest passport you had
  • accomplished passport application form from the country you are in, be sure that it is printed in blue or black ink only. 
  • any proof that the applicant can provide that would say he/she has not applied for foreign citizenship, e. g.  resident alien card (green card) 
  • self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking nos.  Via US postal service; or with prepaid mailing envelope from private courier of choice if passports is to be mailed back. 
  • passport  fee of $60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash,  or money order,  bank draft,  certified check or cashier's check made payable to "Embassy of the Philippines" (or "Philippines Consulate General; " if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted."
  • at least one (1) photocopy of each of the data page/s of the passport; (pages 1-3 for the brown passport or page 1 for the green passport)
  • photocopy of any valid identification card where the middle name is fully spelled out: (State ID,  driver's license,  birth certificate, marriage certificate, or baptismal certificate (if applicant's passport is the brown one) 

Note that these following documents are required in the U.S. A renewal of Philippine Passports only.  Firstly, you may ask the country your residing by this time if you need to prepare them.  There might be documents which were added or lessened so be sure to check.

The process of renewing the said passport is by visiting the Phil.  Embassy in your host country and submit the documents to the consulate general. He will be the one in charge in notifying the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila about it and it will take approximately 8 weeks for your passport to be process completely.

If your option is to personally claim your passport, you can't include the 4th requirements  from the list above.  However, if you're not around in the deadline time to claim your passport, you can assign somebody to get it in the Philippine Embassy. He/she must only present the authorisation letter signed by you,  your old passport, your valid ID photo,  and valid ID of the claimee as well.

source: Efren Nolasco

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